Ballast Water Analysis

The International Ballast Water Management Convention has been fully ratified, and will enter into force on September 8, 2017 (IMO, 2016), there is a pressing need:
- For ships to plan installations of ballast water treatment systems, and
- For regulators to plan the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention into their national legislation and Port State Control inspection programs.
IMO D2 Analysis (including organisms)
- Viable count for zooplankton >50µm (APHA 10200 G)
- Viable count for phytoplankton 10-50µm (APHA 10200 F)
- Toxicogenic Vibrio Cholera (O1 & O139) (APHA 9260H – qualitative)
- Escherichia Coli (APHA 9222 B&G)
- Intestinal Enterococci (USEPA 1600)
VGP Biological Analysis
- Heterotrophic plate count (APHA 9215B)
- Escherichia Coli (APHA 9222 B&H)
- Enterococci (EPA 1600)
VGP Chemical Analysis
- Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO) as Cl2 (SM 4500-Cl G)
- Chlorine dioxide (Internal Probe Method)
- Chlorite (EPA 300.1)
- Chlorate (EPA 300.1)
- Total Trihalomethanes (EPA 8260D)
- Haloacetic Acids (EPA 552.3)